The image shows the christening of the wallaby boat

Robert Habeck as godfather of the first Wallaby Boat

Robert Habeck as godfather of the first Wallaby Boat

We are proud to be on board

Christening of the first Wallaby Boat

The image shows the christening of the wallaby boat
We are proud to be on board

Christening of the first Wallaby Boat

April 22, 2024, 9:00 AM: Excitement fills the air at the Port of Kappeln: Last month, the first Wallaby Boat set sail. Today, it was officially christened as "Impulse", with none other than our Vice Chancellor as the godfather! 

Robert Habeck, following the old tradition, jointly christened the ship with the godmother, Ms. Döne Ayhan of the EnBW. Congratulations Wallaby Boats.

A memorable event, marking not just the naming ceremony of Impulse, but a new era of innovation and progress in maritime automation. We're thrilled that we took part at this historic moment! Check out some captivating moments captured in our photos.
Huge thanks to the Wallaby Boats team for the fantastic partnership. Looking forward to more successful projects together!