
Our management

Our management

At Noris we are more than a family-run company. We are a family. We work hand in hand, stand together, share the same values ​​and work for the same goal. People like you and me. We all are the Noris Family.

Family-run company in third generation

Florian and Michael Schmidmer

Noris managing directors in the Noris park sitting and forming a heart with the hands
Family-run company in third generation

Florian and Michael Schmidmer

Taking over the management of a family business is something very special. You have a great responsibility for the employees who put their heart and soul into the company and identify with the company and its goals and values. 

"Above all, the financial security of our employees also plays a major role. We have always tried to create this security for the company through industry diversity," says Michael Schmidmer.
Finding the right path

Self-reflection and an open exchange of views

The image shows the Noris managing directors Michael and Florian Schmidmer disussing in a bright white coloured room in the company.
Finding the right path

Self-reflection and an open exchange of views

Of course, you don't take over the company without having a vision. The trick is to recognise whether this vision is feasible and sensible.

“Self-reflection and the search for an honest and open exchange of opinions have always helped us to find the right way.”,

says Florian Schmidmer and continues:

"Back then, 30 years ago, I was convinced that we should reduce the development of our own complex electronic products in favour of established purchased parts. However, this proved to be problematic. Today, I am glad that we have decided to develop our own innovative products in-house."
People take centre stage

Encouraging innovation and creativity

The image shows Florian Schmidmer in the production department
People take centre stage

Encouraging innovation and creativity

Encouraging innovation and creativity among employees within the company is one of the main pillars of the company's constant success.

“We endeavour to give every employee the personal freedom they need to develop their creativity. Innovative deviations from the actual task can be suggested at any time and usually find a sympathetic ear.” (Florian Schmidmer)
The pulse of the company

Further development of our corporate culture

The image shows Michael Schmidmer in the production department
The pulse of the company

Further development of our corporate culture

Corporate culture is a top priority at Noris. The introduction of regular team events, festivities and the closeness of the management to the employees and to each other determines the pulse of the company.

“Our term ‘NORIS family’ probably says it all. We strive for a family-like atmosphere and are happy when colleagues also cultivate private friendships. And if we can help in any way with life crises, we are very happy to do so. Our employees are the heart and soul of the company.” (Michael Schmidmer)